Monday, August 11, 2014

Melia dubia grown in severely compacted soil

Tilling the severely compacted soil

Today the soil is very heavy in clay content and is severely compacted in nature. This makes it difficult for roots of Melia Dubia to push through and grow. Due to high clay content, the water absorption capacity is very poor which can cause infection in trunk and roots. To break up compacted soil, we will need to till the soil and then work organic matter into the soil so it retains its loosened texture. Powered tillers make the job easier. Set it to till down to 10 to 12 inches deep. Leave the overturned soil for two to three days to dry out. Any roots, rocks, sticks or other foreign matter must be removed. We should then combine the soil with 2 to 3 inches of organic matter -- such as compost or rotted manure. The organic matter will help to naturally loosen and aerate the soil.

After tilling the fields, I have grown Sesbania (green manuer) which will help in weed control apart from providing excellent organic matter

Progress : Melia Dubia : July, 2014

Essential nutrients for Melia dubia

Essential nutrients for Melia dubia

There are six primary nutrients that plants require. Plants get the first three—carbon, hydrogen and oxygen—from air and water. The other three are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Nitrogen helps plants make the proteins they need to produce new tissues. In nature, nitrogen is often in short supply so plants have evolved to take up as much nitrogen as possible, even if it means not taking up other necessary elements. If too much nitrogen is available, the plant may grow abundant foliage but not produce fruit or flowers. Growth may actually be stunted because the plant isn't absorbing enough of the other elements it needs.

Phosphorous stimulates root growth, helps the plant set buds and flowers, improves vitality and increases seed size. It does this by helping transfer energy from one part of the plant to another. To absorb phosphorous, most plants require a soil pH of 6.5 to 6.8. Organic matter and the activity of soil organisms also increase the availability of phosphorus.

There are three additional nutrients that plants need, but in much smaller amounts:

Calcium is used by plants in cell membranes, at their growing points and to neutralize toxic materials. In addition, calcium improves soil structure and helps bind organic and inorganic particles together.

Magnesium is the only metallic component of chlorophyll. Without it, plants can't process sunlight.

Sulfur is a component of many proteins.

Finally, there are eight elements that plants need in tiny amounts. These are called micro nutrients and include boron, copper and iron. Healthy soil that is high in organic matter usually contains adequate amounts of each of these micro nutrients.